Uk Champion Colldale All Or Nothing

Southern Counties June 2021 1 Collins’ Colldale All Or Nothing. This bitch stood out in the class. Super head, ears and eyes, long neck into well laid shoulders level back, good tail set and angulation. In excellent condition, well prepared and alert all the time. Moved well out and back
Manchester Championship Show January 2022 1st Collin`s Colldale All or Nothing, 2 yrs, quality bitch, super head & nice ears, giving lovely expression, very nice clean front, great shoulders & topline, tailset ok, shown in super condition, moved well. BCC.
National Terrier 2nd April 2022 1. Collins. Colldale All Or Nothing. Pressed hard for the BCC. A well balanced long and lean head but still retaining strength of foreface, strong upper and under jaw, dark eye, ears well-set giving a good alert expression. Fair length of neck flowing into well laid-back shoulders, short level back held well on the move, correct length of loin, strong well- muscled rear assembly, moved well both ways. Harsh coat and well presented. RBCC.

National Airedale Terrier Club Championship Show 9th April 2022 1st CC, BIS. COLLDALE ALL OR NOTHING Quality bitch that I really liked going over. Feminine with good bone, good size, well balanced throughout and sits well on the eye. Very pleasing head and expression, clean, flat skull, good dentition. Good eye and ears. Good lay of shoulder, well ribbed, well muscled quarters and good set on. Maintains outline in profile. Sound moving with good reach and drive, moves with purpose. Pleased to hear it was her crowing 3rd CC, congratulations

Critique from Judge Colin Powell, at the Midland Counties Airedale Club Championship show, last Sunday
Winning her 4th CC
1st Collins, CH COLLDALE ALL OR NOTHING. Top draw bitch of quality and type, head long with powerful jaws, correct bite, well placed ears and dark eyes giving her a true terrier expression. Good neck and well laid shoulders, body of good proportions, short, strong and level, not over angulated rear, great muscle tone and tail set, texture and coat colour very good, moved with drive covering the ground with ease, CC & Res B.I.S. & Best opp sex.